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When you are older 19 января, 2024

Posted by Lee Goodall in Today's Devotional.
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When you are older, all you can do is gain. Some think because I am old, I can’t do much now. This is far from the truth. It all depends on the way you look at it. You may be older, but that means you have done more for God that the younger person probably has. You have had many more years experience with God, and that experience will be passed down to the younger generation to build them up. You have laid the foundation for them through the Holy Spirit working in you. Remember, what you sow here on earth, you may not always reap, but you will be given greater things in heaven.

Every single word you have uttered about the gospel will not be in vain, you have planted that seed no matter what. Even if you think the person was not listening, it will be used for the Lords glory. There are things you have said and done in your life that you will never in this life know how God used, but they will be revealed to the whole hosts of heaven.

You are old for a reason, you have lived this far because the Lord is still and will always work through you as long as you are breathing. How do you know that someone was not saved through the work you did and are still doing for the Lord, maybe not directly, but indirectly in cases. Remember this………

Romans 8:28…….And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Check Your Ego in Relationships 3 августа, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, Трибуна братства - The brotherhood tribune, Цитаты Великих - Great Quotes, eMagazines, PSYCHOLOGIE-ПСИХОЛОГИЯ, Today's Devotional.
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Herbert Mtowo

EGO IN RELATIONSHIPS CAN BE VERY DESTRUCTIVE I say something over and over again (because it is so important!): To be able to truly love yourself and love someone else, you must drop the ego. This is absolutely essential to finding an amazing relationship. It’s equally critical to maintaining and continually improving a relationship once you’re already in it. To Annita and several others in relationships, this is extremely important.Hope you find this inspiring and worth reading.. Nothing will kill a relationship — even the best of relationships — more quickly than ego. Here are five ways your ego can ruin your relationship, and how to avoid letting it happen. 1. Your ego is on guard duty. Resist the temptation to defend yourself. Think about the number of times you’ve fought with a significant other, and whenever things get a little heated you start to defend yourself. All you hear is yourself being attacked, and you immediately go into «defending yourself» mode. Do you know that when you defend yourself in a fight, what’s really happening is your ego is defending itself? It also means that you’ve stopped listening to the other person. If your partner tells you that they don’t like the way you’ve been acting lately, why not hear them out instead of defending yourself? It will almost always create a MUCH better outcome. 2. Your ego is stuck to you. To love yourself and someone else completely, you must separate the ego. In order to truly love someone, you must separate your ego from yourself. This is also true if you want to be able to totally love yourself. Now, I know that in a perfect world, we would never be ego-driven. This is not a perfect world, of course, so let’s get real. We are all ego-driven to some extent or another, so let’s acknowledge it and embrace that we need to detach the ego to cultivate and maintain a truly amazing relationship with someone. 3. Your ego hates feedback. The truth is that no matter how much you prepare, plan, and hope for a good conversation with your significant other, your ego is the one thing that will consistently ruin any conversation you’re about to have, if you let it. Let’s say your significant other is frustrated with you in one way or another and really needs to express something about that to you. How do you respond? If you let your ego get involved and you defend yourself, it means that you’re not listening to your partner. In order to really listen to somebody, it’s uncomfortable. Sometimes your significant other has things to say about you that you would rather not hear. To maintain a great relationship, however, you can’t let your ego keep you from truly listening. 4. Your ego is always active. You have to be willing to drop the ego and learn to have a healthy relationship. If you want to get deep with someone and take your relationship to a higher level, you must take your ego out of the equation. Your significant other is going to do things that you don’t recognize. It may be voices, patterns, communication styles, or other traits with which you aren’t familiar. You need to be open and willing to learn these things about your partner, and your ego will keep you from doing this every time. Most importantly, you need to learn your partner’s communication style, because many times it will be very different from your own. Dropping the ego doesn’t mean you need to change who you are. It can take a lot for you to drop your ego, to really listen to your significant other, and to realize that they need you to say something in a different way. A lot of people misunderstand these kinds of requests as being their partner’s attempt to change them. It’s not. They’re not trying to change you; they are trying to improve the way you communicate with each other. Don’t let your ego get in the way. Embrace this! 5. Your ego launches low blows. Do you get frustrated when you’re having an argument with your significant other? Of course, we all do. When that happens, though, sometimes the ego will cause you to hurl hurtful comments at the other person. You’re feeling hurt, so you lash out and say something you know will make the other person hurt, too. It was not only hurtful, but inevitably something stupid. By listening to your partner rather than lashing out from your ego, you can get through an argument without these low blows, and arguments will be much more constructive — not destructive — to your relationship. So the next time you see your ego getting involved in your relationship, get rid of it! If you find yourself defending yourself or not allowing yourself to really listen, then you need to take a step back. Listen carefully to what’s really being said, and use it to create the most amazing relationship

Relationships and Marriage».Do theу realy work these days?» 26 июля, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, Библейские уроки-Bible lessons, Трибуна братства - The brotherhood tribune, Цитаты Великих - Great Quotes, eMagazines, Today's Devotional.
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Herbert Mtowo

Marriage and Seasons 26/07/09

A couple of hours prior to writing this article I was talking to a lawyer close friend of mine to be. She said,”Herbert,I am sacred to getting married in case I get the wrong person in my life.”I said to her that’s not the solution, maybe because of what she sees and hears in the corridors and courtrooms, whereby she sees people who once said until death do us apart, brutally killing and wounding each other beyond imagination. What she sees and is experiencing miles from my beloved country Namibia, seems like we are just having the same nightmares and experiences. Though she is thousands of miles away in Zamibia,her fears are what have griped everybody on planet earth. Whether to marry or not to marry.Annita my good friend in Zambia has the same fears like you and me are going through in other countries and continents. I said to my good friend Annita,”Me and you have a greater responsibility shouldered upon us, to correct the wrongs and make this generation hope in marriage again. I personally tend to think and conclude our mind set is the problem, I still stand to be corrected on this one. Marriage is a give and take life commitment. But most people get into marriage for the wrong motives, to have someone make them happy, to be loved when they can’t give back the love. It`s not just a you taking out, but what are you prepared to give to see your relationship last a lifetime? Am pulling no punches here, we don’t have any excuse to have mediocre relationships and marriages. We can best understand marriage by understanding the seasons that we have in life, and prepare accordingly for each season as it comes. We must prepare ourselves for all the seasons in life as much as we prepare for all the seasons in marriage. Let’s talk about the four seasons of marriage: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Usually we think of marriage as a relationship with our partner but it can also be the state of marriage solely within us called «the inner marriage.» The inner marriage is an intimate relationship with our self. We need a strong inner marriage of love, appreciation, understanding and respect for our self in order to experience the serenity, joy, and connection attainable in an outer marriage. Spring of Marriage is when matrimony begins. We are often young and overflowing with boundless excitement, optimism and desire. We start this first phase believing — unconsciously — that our partner is here to save our life and fulfill every expectation we ever dreamed possible. We are full of projections. In this early stage of development we rarely see the essence of the man or woman before us because we are so blinded by the light of the mythological god or goddess who blocks our view. We take our wedding vows, «Please heal me of every pain and love me forever.» Well, we didn’t say that but that’s what most of us thought. It’s a young and hopeful dream. We are in love and often madly so. Summer of Marriage is when we often bring children into the world. These precious little ones fill our lives with love, fun, pressure and (ugh!) adult responsibility. As the children grow, husbands and wives may argue that the spouse is not who we thought they were! We may even wonder if we are who we thought we were. Enter the mid-life crisis. It can be a stressful time of struggle. Later in this phase of the marriage cycle children will fly away from the carefully constructed family nest and into their brand new lives, just as their mother and father did. Husbands and wives now begin to surrender and let them go, albeit a little sadly. It’s an emotionally healthy and necessary choice. «Sunrise, sunset, swiftly flow the days» go the words from Fiddler on the Roof. No wonder that song makes so many couples cry. Then we look around. It’s so quiet. The voice of Spirit whispers, «Something needs to change.» We think the something is our mate. «If only he…, if only she …,» Eventually we recognize it is not our mate but we who must change. We begin to understand that the inner marriage is of monumental importance. We commit to know yourself again. This commitment provides immediate insurance not just for us but for our couple relationship. It feels good. Understanding this inner marriage also makes boundaries clear, «I stop here and you start here.» Sometimes people are fearful that introspection might separate them. It could, but at least it’s honest. When we work to connect the inner marriage with our outer marriage we begin to appreciate the real glory in our spouse. We also begin to see the first authentic wrinkles of responsibility for our own life, too, and we begin to grow up. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t all work out and couples do separate permanently. But if that should occur at least each party has the satisfaction of knowing who he or she is and can apply it non-defensively for the good of the children and grandchildren involved. Not every relationship was made in heaven. Autumn of Marriage is all about transition and change. We watch our children raising their children. We graciously step back and let them live their own lives. We give them space when they need it. We throw our arms around the joy our grandchildren bring and pitch in whenever we can help. Watching our families grow is so full of wonder we want everyone to stop growing! But respecting time’s natural rhythm — especially when feeling astonished — helps us move right along with the changing tides as we consider what we want to do with our life now. Some want the pleasure of work, some the pleasure of play, and some want a combination. Being open to every new idea will see us through. That is key, keep it fresh. Winter of Marriage is when we enter into the final season of marriage with another or with ourselves alone for death or choice or fate may have put us there. So we pray for everyone’s good health. We are reflective and thoughtful. We live in our souls more. We recognize and give thanks for all the important moments in our life and for those we’ve met along the way who have helped us to transform, evolve and grow. We look forward to any final gifts of grace this season will provide. We reach for our partner’s hand or put our hand over our heart to touch the symbolic hand of our inner partner. At what season is your relationship or marriage, and what you going to do during this season? Prepare for them seasons before they come. Regards, Herbert Mtowo “ Start feeding opportunities and starve problems in your relationship……”

The Woman 24 июля, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, Библейские уроки-Bible lessons, Трибуна братства - The brotherhood tribune, Цитаты Великих - Great Quotes, eMagazines, PSYCHOLOGIE-ПСИХОЛОГИЯ, Today's Devotional.
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Herbert Mtowo

Old Higgins watched with wonder. He had never seen a woman with such irrepressible zeal for her role. Here was a wonder mum indeed.
He watched as she intercepted the scuttling feet and caught her son into her arms, despite his protests and cries. “Look, you’re a bird! Look how you can fly!” She swung him to the left and right and chuckled as she did. He kicked and screamed and demanded the right to run, but she pulled him to her chest and pointed to the sheep on the hill. “Look at the sheep. How many sheep are there?”
While Higgins and others scanned the flock to make their estimate the boy would have none of it. He kicked his mother and pulled his arms free from her hold. “Let me go!” He demanded. “Would you like some food?” the wonder mum asked sweetly. “Let’s see what mummy has in her bag for you.” The boy settled and stood at her side as she opened her huge bag.
At The Station
“What an amazing woman”, each onlooker thought, as they waited for the train. This wonder mum had struggled with her implacable child for over twenty minutes, and just kept on being calm, enthusiastic and positive. Just about every other person would gladly have thrashed the boy, but the mother was determined to win him over with her winsome ways and her never-ending store of surprises and delights.
After just a bite or two the food was thrown to the ground and a loud complaint bellowed forth. “Oh dear”, thought the weary crowd. They had hoped for success this time. Higgins found his muscles tighten yet again at the pitch of the boy’s scream.
And so it continued another twenty minutes. Food, drink, games, distractions, tickles, toys, song and dance spun past in a constant stream of ineffectual efforts. The crowd was exhausted, but amazed to see the stamina of the wonder mum, who pressed on through it all.
When the train finally arrived everyone became distracted in the bustle for their allocated seats. Wonder mum found the energy to carry her problem child and her bags onto the carriage.
Higgins was relieved to find himself in a different car to the wonder mum. He wondered how he would have survived even being near the child for the day’s journey. He would tell his daughter all about this wonder mum, when he arrived for dinner.
The Exhausted Mum
He had just settled into his seat when, to his dismay, a woman and child arrived to sit opposite. Rage rose in his face and a scowl formed on his lips. This young lad was almost identical to the monster tormenting and exhausting the crowd for the past hour. Burying himself in his paper he silently resented the injustice of the seating.
The woman was too tired to give much attention to her boy. He asked her several questions and wanted various things to amuse him. But she could not muster the energy to attend to his requests. She simply told him to read his book and keep quiet.
As the hours passed Higgins saw the boy sit contented at his play as the tired mum dozed. When the lad had an issue his mother gave clear direction which he followed. She was too tired or sick to amuse him for a moment, yet he seemed perfectly willing to accept that limitation and face his day compliant to her demands.
In time Higgins chatted with the toddler and found him to be polite and respectful.
The Lucky Mum
This was indeed a lucky mum. She did not need to be a wonder mum, with such a compliant child.
When the woman revived she answered Higgins’ questions. No, her son was not born ‘good’. He had presented her with demands, tantrums and wilfulness, just as they both had seen in the other boy that morning. She had dealt with it firmly, despite his protests. She had disciplined him and trained him to obey her instructions, even when he did not want to. She punished him with sufficient severity to convince him that he was wisest to obey.
She had now trained him to be no difficulty to those around him and she could have peace and confidence despite being unwell or tired, for her son would not be a problem to himself or others. She had neither bag of tricks nor endless energy. She did not have the stamina of the wonder mum in the other carriage. And she did not believe a child should be allowed to disrupt life for others.
At the Destination
At their destination angry passengers escaped from one carriage after a tortuous day with the wonder mum and her rebellious son. As the crowd gathered to collect their bags the mother, still struggling with her wilful boy, smiled her apologies to people too upset to notice. Near her, the other mum had sufficient strength to collect her things and move quietly, with her son, to the exit.
Higgins observed both mums and looked on with pity as the long-suffering wonder mum struggled with her rebel and her bags.
Wonder Mum
That night Higgins told his daughter about an amazing mum he had seen that day. A woman who made a lasting impression on him and who he would like her to learn from and be like. He also told her about the foolish mum who tortured herself and everyone else by not disciplining her rebellious child.

Кто автор твоих лимитов? 15 июля, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, Библейские уроки-Bible lessons, Трибуна братства - The brotherhood tribune, Цитаты Великих - Great Quotes, eMagazines, Today's Devotional.
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Пастор Андрей Шаповалов

Пастор Андрей Шаповалов

Новая Тема (07/12/09) 01:30 «Кто автор твоих лимитов?»

Пастор Андрей Шаповалов

Когда мы растём и развиваемся то, как дети испытываем всё в своей жизни. Мы не знаем или не замечаем лимитов, но с возрастом, смотря на людей вокруг и то, чего они достигли или чего они не достигли, мы ставим лимиты в своей жизни. Кто-то установил лимиты, и все, не задумываясь, живут в этих лимитах. Кто-то сказал: «Этого не возможно достичь», и практически никто с этим не спорит и даже не пытается изменить это! Все просто смирённо сидят и слушаются. И, как только тебе в голову попадает мысль или мечта, твой собственный разум даст тебе сотню причин, почему у тебя это не получится и какими лимитами ты обладаешь. Мы все росли в разных странах, но практически все из нас имели и многие продолжают иметь вокруг тех, кто продолжают быть авторами ваших лимитов. «И услышал Елиав, старший брат Давида, что говорил он с людьми, и рассердился Елиав на Давида и сказал: зачем ты сюда пришел и на кого оставил немногих овец тех в пустыне? Я знаю высокомерие твое и дурное сердце твое, ты пришел посмотреть на сражение. И сказал Давид: что же я сделал? не слова ли это? И отворотился от него к другому и говорил те же слова, и отвечал ему народ по-прежнему. И услышали слова, которые говорил Давид, и пересказали Саулу, и тот призвал его. И сказал Давид Саулу: пусть никто не падает духом из-за него; раб твой пойдет и сразится с этим Филистимлянином. И сказал Саул Давиду: не можешь ты идти против этого Филистимлянина, чтобы сразиться с ним, ибо ты еще юноша, а он воин от юности своей. И сказал Давид Саулу: раб твой пас овец у отца своего, и когда, бывало, приходил лев или медведь и уносил овцу из стада, то я гнался за ним и нападал на него и отнимал из пасти его; а если он бросался на меня, то я брал его за космы и поражал его и умерщвлял его; и льва и медведя убивал раб твой, и с этим Филистимлянином необрезанным будет то же, что с ними, потому что так поносит воинство Бога живаго. И сказал Давид: Господь, Который избавлял меня от льва и медведя, избавит меня и от руки этого Филистимлянина. И сказал Саул Давиду: иди, и да будет Господь с тобою. И одел Саул Давида в свои одежды, и возложил на голову его медный шлем, и надел на него броню. И опоясался Давид мечом его сверх одежды и начал ходить, ибо не привык [к такому вооружению]; потом сказал Давид Саулу: я не могу ходить в этом, я не привык. И снял Давид все это с себя. И взял посох свой в руку свою, и выбрал себе пять гладких камней из ручья, и положил их в пастушескую сумку, которая была с ним; и с сумкою и с пращею в руке своей выступил против Филистимлянина. Выступил и Филистимлянин, идя и приближаясь к Давиду, и оруженосец шел впереди его. И взглянул Филистимлянин и, увидев Давида, с презрением посмотрел на него, ибо он был молод, белокур и красив лицем. И сказал Филистимлянин Давиду: что ты идешь на меня с палкою? разве я собака? И проклял Филистимлянин Давида своими богами. И сказал Филистимлянин Давиду: подойди ко мне, и я отдам тело твое птицам небесным и зверям полевым. А Давид отвечал Филистимлянину: ты идешь против меня с мечом и копьем и щитом, а я иду против тебя во имя Господа Саваофа, Бога воинств Израильских, которые ты поносил; ныне предаст тебя Господь в руку мою, и я убью тебя, и сниму с тебя голову твою, и отдам трупы войска Филистимского птицам небесным и зверям земным, и узнает вся земля, что есть Бог в Израиле; и узнает весь этот сонм, что не мечом и копьем спасает Господь, ибо это война Господа, и Он предаст вас в руки наши. Когда Филистимлянин поднялся и стал подходить и приближаться навстречу Давиду, Давид поспешно побежал к строю навстречу Филистимлянину. И опустил Давид руку свою в сумку и взял оттуда камень, и бросил из пращи и поразил Филистимлянина в лоб, так что камень вонзился в лоб его, и он упал лицем на землю. Так одолел Давид Филистимлянина пращею и камнем, и поразил Филистимлянина и убил его; меча же не было в руках Давида. Тогда Давид подбежал и, наступив на Филистимлянина, взял меч его и вынул его из ножен, ударил его и отсек им голову его; Филистимляне, увидев, что силач их умер, побежали». (1-Царств 17:28-51) Разговаривая с людьми с лимитами, какие я только отговорки не слышал: «я не в той стране родился», «у меня не было родителей»,«у меня нет денег» и т. п. Наше христианство поставило лимитные рекорды. И уже почти 80 лет практически никто не собирается разбить всё старое и превзойти все установленные лимиты. Мы должны идти выше, видеть дальше и достигнуть намного больше, чем достигнуто. Разбей все лимиты! Павел вообще сказал, что жизнь-это как ристалище. «Не знаете ли, что бегущие на ристалище бегут все, но один получает награду? Так бегите, чтобы получить». (1-Коринфянам 9:24) Что такое ристалище? Это забег или марафон. Что такое забег? Это чьи-то рекорды. Что такое рекорды? Это чьи-то лимиты. А когда кто-то установил рекорд, то есть лимит, у тебя есть только два шанса: первый-согласиться с этим лимитом или второй — попытаться побить его. Вот и Павел говорит: «Бегите, чтобы получить», то есть побить чей-то установленный рекорд! Зачастую те, кто вокруг нас, создают правила, чтобы сломить твою волю. И мы так часто боимся сделать шаг в неизвестность, нарушить кем-то установленные лимиты и разрушить все привычные понятия. Если ты мечтаешь чего-то достичь, то это — первое с чем ты столкнёшься в любой сфере своей жизни. Ты столкнешься с чьими-то установленными лимитами. И от того, что ты сам скажешь себе, будет зависеть вся твоя последующая жизнь. «Когда же настал вечер, приступили к Нему ученики Его и сказали: место здесь пустынное и время уже позднее; отпусти народ, чтобы они пошли в селения и купили себе пищи. Но Иисус сказал им: не нужно им идти, вы дайте им есть. Они же говорят Ему: у нас здесь только пять хлебов и две рыбы. Он сказал: принесите их Мне сюда. И велел народу возлечь на траву и, взяв пять хлебов и две рыбы, воззрел на небо, благословил и, преломив, дал хлебы ученикам, а ученики народу. И ели все и насытились; и набрали оставшихся кусков двенадцать коробов полных; а евших было около пяти тысяч человек, кроме женщин и детей. И тотчас понудил Иисус учеников Своих войти в лодку и отправиться прежде Его на другую сторону, пока Он отпустит народ. И, отпустив народ, Он взошел на гору помолиться наедине; и вечером оставался там один. А лодка была уже на средине моря, и ее било волнами, потому что ветер был противный. В четвертую же стражу ночи пошел к ним Иисус, идя по морю. И ученики, увидев Его идущего по морю, встревожились и говорили: это призрак; и от страха вскричали. Но Иисус тотчас заговорил с ними и сказал: ободритесь; это Я, не бойтесь. Петр сказал Ему в ответ: Господи! если это Ты, повели мне придти к Тебе по воде. Он же сказал: иди. И, выйдя из лодки, Петр пошел по воде, чтобы подойти к Иисусу, но, видя сильный ветер, испугался и, начав утопать, закричал: Господи! спаси меня. Иисус тотчас простер руку, поддержал его и говорит ему: маловерный! зачем ты усомнился? И, когда вошли они в лодку, ветер утих. Бывшие же в лодке подошли, поклонились Ему и сказали: истинно Ты Сын Божий». (Матфея 14:15-33) Запомните одно: как Иисус разрушал лимиты у своих учеников, ходя по воде или преломляя хлеб для народа, точно так и ты должен разрушить все, что лимитирует тебя, разорвать отношения со всеми, кто лимитирует тебя, и продолжать двигаться к своей мечте. 

https://i0.wp.com/i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/Pastor_/wmp11.png Кто автор твоих лимитов? 55.2M


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By Francis Frangipane

Is the door of your heart open toward God? Can the Spirit of Jesus Christ come in and speak with you? Are you defenseless to His voice? Can you sense both His pleasure and His displeasure? For us to become sensitive to divine realities, we must live with the door of our hearts open. It is impossible to do the will of God otherwise.

King Hezekiah commanded the priests to carry the uncleanness out from the holy place. The call to clean the holy place was not an option; it was a command. «So the priests went in to the inner part of the house of the Lord to cleanse it, and every unclean thing which they found in the temple of the Lord they brought out to the court of the house of the Lord» (2 Chr. 29:16, NASB).

When the priests entered the holy place, they entered alone; the rest of Israel was in the outer court and beyond. Here, privately before God, they were to remove those things that were defiling this sacred place. No one else had seen these desecrations. They could have remained in secret, and none except the priests would have known; but they did not. They brought out the unclean things. What was unholy was exposed publicly and removed.

From where did these abominations arise? Predominantly they were the sins of their forefathers—the traditions and offenses handed down to them from the wicked generation who preceded them. The careless approach to holiness, the unbelief toward the promises of God, and the idolatry and worship of man-made things were the products of a generation turned from God. They gave to their children, as a legacy, a society oppressed by sin and the devil.

In the new covenant temple, the church, it is our private, inner lives that need this deep cleansing. We have inherited traditions that justify and reinforce darkness of soul within us. Most Christians have little hope that purity of heart is even attainable. The revival that will turn a nation begins in the trembling unveiling of our hearts, in the removal of what is defiled and hidden within us.

I will tell you a mystery. It is in this very place, this chamber of our deepest secrets, that the door to eternity is found. If the Father is near enough to «see in secret» He is close enough to be seen in secret as well. If He has entered us, we can, in truth, enter Him. The key to entering the presence of God is intimacy, and intimacy is secrets shared. To ascend the hill of the Lord, to stand in the holy place, we must have clean hands and a pure heart; we cannot lift up our souls toward falsehood (see Ps. 24:3-4). At this door of eternity we must renounce those things hidden because of shame and, in humility of soul, receive Christ’s cleansing word.

Our goal is not merely to be «good» but to see God and, in seeing Him, to do what He does. However, John tells us that he who seeks to «see Him just as He is … purifies himself, just as He is pure» (1 John 3:2-3, NKJV). We can be assured that each step deeper into the Lord’s presence will reveal areas in our hearts that need to be cleansed. Do not be afraid. When the Spirit shows you areas of sin, it is not to condemn you but to cleanse you.

Let me give you an example. My wife set herself apart to seek the Lord. Her cry during this time was, «Lord, I want to see You.» As she sought the Lord, however, He began to show her certain areas of her heart where she had fallen short. She prayed, «Lord, this is not what I asked for; I asked to see You, not me.» The Holy Spirit comforted her, saying, «Only the pure in heart can see God.»

In the same way, the Lord desires His church to see Him as well. Thus, He is exposing the areas in us that are unclean. If we will walk as Jesus walked, we must remember that Christ did only the things He saw the Father do (see John 5:19). Out of the purity of His heart He beheld God and then revealed His glory.

This cleansing must become a way of life, but it does not have to take a lifetime. For Hezekiah and the people with him, it occurred in a matter of eight days.

Our prayer should be to bring all the defilement of our flesh and spirit out of the secret chambers of our hearts and give them over to the Lord so that our hearts would be purged.

«O God, thoroughly cleanse my heart; purify me quickly! In Jesus’ name.»

Adapted from When the Many Are One, by Francis Frangipane, copyright 2009, published by Charisma House. In this book the author calls us back to oneness with Christ, and through Him oneness with other Christians. With the character and power of Christ in our midst, the church can again bring transformation to our communities, our nation and our world. To order a copy click on this link:


This week ask God to cleanse and purify you as He desires. Pray that He would create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. Pray for unity in the body of Christ. Pray that we lift up Jesus as individuals, churches and communities. Continue to thank God for the freedom of worship and speech that we still enjoy in our nation. Pray for revival and that our president and his administration will seek God for wisdom and heed His direction regarding our nation, Israel and the world. Continue to pray for our military and their families. Psalm 51:10; I John 3: 2-3; John 5:19

Visit us at www.spiritledwoman.com (click on the address to get there now) where you’ll find encouragement, inspiration, fellowship and fun. Please feel free to forward this Power Up! to a friend by clicking the «Send to a Friend» button at the top of this newsletter. (Don’t use the forward button on the toolbar of your computer. If you do and one of the people you send it to «unsubscribes,» you’ll be unsubscribed as well and we won’t know it. This won’t happen if you click «Send to a Friend.»)

Кого любить? 28 июня, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, Библейские уроки-Bible lessons, Библия говорит - Bible Speaks, Трибуна братства - The brotherhood tribune, Today's Devotional.
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Алексей Колодий

Евангелие от Луки 6:27-36, один из тех «колючих» отрывков писания, которые очень трудно принять. Не то чтобы он был не понятен, скорее он неудобен в исполнении. Причин тому несколько. Одна из них, это наша склонность в проблемах винить других людей, не проявляя понимание и снисходительность, а в некоторых случаях долготерпение и прощение. Тем более, этот эпизод описывает случаи, в которых, нам причиняют вред и поступают против нас вероломно. Когда ты обижен, очень трудно трезво оценить ситуацию. Обида, непрощение и страх, подавляют способность нашего разума находить приемлемый выход из трудных ситуаций.

Но, тут Иисус идет дальше и говорит нам, чтобы мы не просто были снисходительны и долготерпеливы. Он, так же заповедует нам выступать с конкретным решением проблемы, предлагая шаги, которые нам нужно предпринять. Подход, который часто практикуется людьми под дивизом: «на дураков не обижаются», в этом случает не приемлем.

Есть несколько ключевых слов, над которыми необходимо размышлять. Любите, делайте добро, благословляйте и молитесь.

» — Вам, слушающим Меня, Я говорю: — Любите ваших врагов, делайте добро тем, кто ненавидит вас,
благословляйте тех, кто проклинает вас, и молитесь о тех, кто оскорбляет вас.»

Эти слова обращены ко всем, кто может слышать. Слышать в библейском смысле означает понимать, принимать и поступать. Но так же, это слово означает буквально слышание. Это значит, что любой, кто фактически услышал эти слова, дожен исполнять их для своего же блага. Господь призывает не ждать, пока нас поймут, нам отдадут должное, начнут ценить нас, а самим предпринимать шаги в поиске решения. Любовь вместо ненависти, делание добра вместо мести, благословение вместо проклятий, молитва вместо растеряного пожимания плечами.

«Ударившему тебя по щеке подставь и другую, а тому, кто забирает у тебя плащ, не мешай забрать и рубаху.»

Насилию, противопоставляется пожертвование и милосердие. Очень сильно Иисус проилюстрировал этот принцип говоря: «Никто ее (жизнь) у Меня не может отнять, Я отдаю ее добровольно. У Меня есть власть отдать ее и взять ее опять. Так было Мне определено Моим Отцом.»(Иоан.10:18) Поистине, невозможно у нас забрать то, что мы отдаем добровольно.

 «Каждому, кто у тебя просит, дай; и если кто-то заберет твою вещь, не требуй ее обратно.» Очень часто нам приходится давать в долг и самим брать взаймы. Долги это одна из самых острых причин разрушения отношений между людьми. Когда у меня занимают деньги и я способен дать займ, я руководствуюсь простым принципом, который мне помогает уже долгие годы. «Давай ровно столько, сколько ты можешь позволить себе потерять» Если я в позиции должника, то тут руководит другой принцип, «Не оставайтесь должными никому, ничем». Это подразумевает, что нам необходимо освобождаться от долгов в кратчайшие сроки.

» Делайте другим то, что вы хотели бы, чтобы они сделали вам.»
Эти слова не о корыстолюбии, а о том, что мы находимся во взаимодействии причинно-следственных связей. Все, что мы делаем на земле, возвращается к нам в этой жизни, а если не так, то оно идет за нами в вечность. Когда мы думаем, говорим или поступаем с кем то несправедливо, мы должны понимать, что рано или поздно, все это в полной мере вернет к нам. Как и добрые дела, совершенные нами, не могут не отразится на нашей настоящей жизни или будущей.

«Если вы любите тех, кто любит вас, в чем ваша заслуга? Ведь даже грешники любят тех, кто их любит. Если вы делаете добро тем, кто делает добро вам, то в чем ваша заслуга? Ведь даже грешники делают то же. Если вы даете в долг только тем, от кого надеетесь получить обратно, то в чем ваша заслуга? Ведь даже грешники дают в долг грешникам, ожидая получить назад столько же. Но вы любите ваших врагов, делайте им добро, и давайте в долг, не ожидая возврата. Тогда ваша награда будет велика, и вы будете сыновьями Всевышнего, потому что Он сам так же добр к неблагодарным и злым. Будьте милосердны, как ваш Отец милосерден. (Лук.6:27-36)

Любить тех, кто любит тебя, делать добро для тех, кто помогает тебе -это очень просто и само собой разумеется. Но наш личностный рост происходит тогда, когда мы выходим за рамки привычного и удобного. Мышцы растут, когда ты тренируешь их, чувства укрепляются, когда ты работаешь над ними. Рост, через боль и тяжелый труд над собой. Не возможно изменить кого то и повлиять на кого то,  предварительно не изменив себя. Наша жизнь, это не попытки изменить мир и людей вокруг нас, а перемены, которые мы производим в себе. Они видоизменяют не только нас, но и все, что нас окружает, а так же тех, с кем мы строим отношения.

YOU CAN START AGAIN 24 июня, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, Трибуна братства - The brotherhood tribune, Цитаты Великих - Great Quotes, PSYCHOLOGIE-ПСИХОЛОГИЯ, Today's Devotional.
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By Chuck Peirce

There is hope in the middle of darkness. Usually in the midst of our dark times in life, we find ourselves filled with trauma and loss. These elements hide in our very cells. Trauma is like a snapshot from a camera. The picture of the trauma is stored deep in our brains, but the Holy Spirit wants to move in such a way that we are sovereignly delivered. He wants to give us a new perspective on life and the world around us. When we do not deal with trauma effectively, we allow roots to grow that entangle our feet and keep us from moving forward on our new path of success. Trauma imprinted on our memory systems is also absorbed deep into the tissues of our brain (the processor) and affects our thoughts and our hearts. Trauma becomes the flashbulb that determines what we see and how we define the world around us. When not processed correctly, trauma will shape your world from the point of view of the incident. Trauma can produce lock-ins of fear, failure complexities, emotional distress, and anxiety, and it can even cause your organs (spleen, kidneys, pancreas) to overwork. Oh my! We may be going through a lot, but there is a way for us to overcome, to reverse the power of our dark hour, and to advance into the very best that still lies ahead. An over comer moves past defeats, past traumas, wounding, mistakes and failures to gain new strength and venture into the next season with hope. In the midst of darkness there is light. My favorite saying in life is “But God!” Your present circumstances are developing a mentality of victory within you. No matter what situation you find intruding in your life, you can shout, “But God! He is the light in my darkness!” Dark hours lie ahead, but an over comer’s anointing will break through and give you victory. One way God develops the overcoming anointing in us is by moving us past our last failure or even our last victory, and by enabling us to continue to run the race ahead. Some dark hours are not only in our future but many dark moments may also lie in our past. In other words, there were certain times that we just botched it, made a mess of things, or royally wasted our opportunity for victory or favor. We had an opportunity, we missed the opportunity, and the time of prosperity slipped past us. We listened to a wrong voice and chose a wrong path. Our desire went awry, and we had a relationship that was never meant to be. We heard God, we pursued His voice, but we somehow got tangled in the cares of the world and lost sight of the way. We started the race, got tired and dropped out. The most difficult situation in our lives occurs when we know the will of God one day but somehow make a mistake and cannot find our way on the next day. The great thing for us to know is this: There will come another day! . There is always a way back. You might have to scale a mountain or swim a river, but there is a way back or into the next phase of your life. You can survive and find the right road again. I have counseled many who have gone through terrible divorces, bankruptcies, losses of business and homes, diseases and depressions, and they have always been able to hear the Lord say, “This is your way into the new place!” Sometimes the second time around is the best! We know that “all things work together” for our good—even our mistakes, so we can rest assured that God can, and does, use our failures to teach and direct us when we humble ourselves and seek His face. Adapted from Redeeming the Time by Chuck D. Pierce, copyright 2009, published by Charisma House. This book will give you a new understanding of time and God’s redemptive plan for you—whether past, present or future. It will help you recognize God’s timing in your life and reap the rewards of a life in step with God. To order a copy click on this link



This week thank God that He is enabling you to continue to run the race ahead no matter what you experienced in your past. Ask Him to restore what was lost and give you new opportunities to serve Him and fulfill His call on your life. Continue to pray for revival and that God would accomplish His purpose in and through our nation. Pray for the protection of Israel, our allies, the military and the persecuted church. Thank God for the freedoms we still enjoy in this country and pray that they will continue for the spread of the gospel and the extending or His kingdom. Rom. 8:28; Psalm 33:1


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Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, eMagazines, Today's Devotional.
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8449_V~1Три вещи никогда не возвращаются обратно:
Время, слово, возможность.
Три вещи не следует терять:
Спокойствие, надежду, честь.
Три вещи в жизни наиболее ценны:
Любовь, убеждения, дружба.
Три вещи в жизни никогда не надежны:
Власть, удача, состояние.
Три вещи определяют человека:
Труд, честность, достижения.
Три вещи разрушают человека:
Вино, гордыня, злость .
P.S. но иногда пока все поймешь, пройдет целая жизнь
Давай людям больше, чем они ожидают,
и делай это с радостью.
Возьми себе в супруги того, с кем тебе всегда есть о чём поговорить.

Когда ты станешь старше, его/её способность к общению будет так же важна, как и всё остальное.
Верь не всему, что слышишь, отдавай всё, что имеешь и спи столько, сколько хочешь.
Если ты говоришь ‘Я люблю тебя’, имей ввиду именно это!
Если ты говоришь, ‘Мне очень жаль’, смотри человеку в глаза.
Будь помолвлен/а как минимум полгода, прежде чем вступать в брак.
Верь в любовь с первого взгляда.
Никогда не смейся над мечтами других.
Люди, которые не имеют мечты, имеют не много.
Люби глубоко и страстно. Возможно, твоё сердце будет разбито, но это единственный путь испытать жизнь полностью.
При разногласиях спорь справедливо.
Не допускай оскорблений.
Не суди о людях по их родственникам.
Говори медленно, а думай быстро.
Если тебе задали вопрос, на который ты не хочешь отвечать, улыбнись и спроси, ‘Почему ты хочешь это знать?’
Помни о том, что большая любовь и большие успехи несут в себе большой риск.
Говори «Будь здоров!», если слышишь, что кто-то чихает.164374~1
Если ты проиграл, извлеки из этого урок.
Помни три важные вещи:
Собственное достоинство;
Уважение к другим;
Ответственность за все свои действия.
Никогда не позволяй маленькой ссоре испортить большую дружбу.
Если ты обнаружил/а, что совершил/а ошибку, тут же исправь её.
Улыбайся, когда отвечаешь на телефонный звонок.
Позвонивший заметит это по твоему голосу.
Проводи время сам с собой.

Вера 14 июня, 2009

Posted by Alyosha Kolodiy in Актуальная проблема -problem of today, eMagazines.
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“Вера не начало а конец всякой мудрости” И. Гёте

“Верить – значит отказываться понимать” П. Бурже

“Тот, кто хочет быть христианином, должен выдрать глаза у своего разума” Мартин Лютер

“Есть две одинаково удобные позиции: либо верить во всё, либо во всём сомневаться. То и другое избавляет от необходимости думать” Анри Пуанкаре

“Вера и знание – это две чаши весов: чем выше одна, тем ниже другая” автор неизвестен

“Твёрже всего мы верим в то, о чём меньше всего знаем” Монтень

“Верую, ибо абсурдно!” Тертуллиан (ок. 160-240 гг)

Цитаты приведены в блоге  по адресу http://johnnythelizard.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/вера/