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Forgive to be forgiven 21 января, 2024

Posted by Lee Goodall in Today's Devotional.
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You need to forgive to be forgiven. There is no if’s or buts. You cannot expect forgiveness from God the Father if you don’t forgive others. Have a look at these verses in the photo below, then go read Matthew 18:21-35.

It’s a very serious thing in the Fathers eyes when dealing with forgiveness. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour, this means all your sin has been forgiven you. In the same way, we are to respond in forgiving EVERYONE their sins they have committed against you.

I know forgiveness is a hard thing for some people, actually for a lot of people, but it’s a MUST do if we want to serve the Lord. I know you may be going through pain, things that people have or are still doing to you, but the only person unforgiveness, resentment, hatred and so on hurts is YOU. The person you have unforgiveness for and so on does not feel the anger you are feeling, only you do, so why let it fester inside of you. It will only eat you up and draw you away from true happiness in Jesus.

EVERYONE will have to stand Infront of Jesus some day, whether they believe in him or not, it doesn’t matter. We will all have to give an account for our actions, thoughts and words, both the saved and the unsaved. So why not leave it to Jesus today, let him handle the pain, pray to the Father and ask him to help you forgive those who have hurt you, just as he has forgiven you.